Hall School Student Book Reviews

tackling middle school one book at time!

11 Birthdays


Am I in a dream or something!? My name is Amanda and I am turning 11. You know the saying “…You only turn 11 once…”? What a lie. I am still celebrating my 11th birthday! Friday, my birthday, has been repeating itself! After a few days of reliving this day, I figured out that my ex-best friend (Leo) has the same problem! But why does it have to be us? I mean, we do share a birthday. But weirdly, a really, really old lady named Angela keeps on looking for and trying to find Leo and I. It’s almost like she knows what’s happening to us. I think she has some type of magical powers and has put an enchantment or some type of spell on us. We both finally got a chance to talk with Angela. She won’t let us know anything though! We find evidence and start to undo this enchantment. We did exactly what it says.  Let’s see what happens in the morning. RING RING RING! My alarm clock! NOOOOOO! I am still living this day! What could have possibly gone wrong! I just had a horrible thought… what if I never escape this loop!



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